Hollow Vs. Solid Core: What You Should Consider When Choosing One For Your Home's Interior Glass Doors

Posted on: 17 April 2023

If you are currently remodeling your home, you may have decided that you would like the space to feel more open. Because of this, you may have decided to switch out the doors of the rooms in your home with glass doors. 

When looking over the different models, you may have found that the two options for the frames are hollow and solid core. Take time to consider a couple of things when trying to decide which one would work best in your house.

1. Determine Whether You Want the Door to Block Out the Noise Between the Family Area and Bedrooms

One thing you should consider when choosing between hollow- and solid-core doors is the noise level in your house. While hollow core doors are just as the name implies and do not block out any noise, solid core frames are insulated and offer some soundproofing.

If the doors are mostly for decorative purposes and there is not a lot of noise in your house, hollow-core doors would be an option. However, if you want to provide some soundproofing between the family areas and bedrooms, solid-core doors would be the better choice.

2. Think about the Type of Usage They Will See on a Day-to-Day Basis by Your Household Members

Another thing you should think about when trying to decide between hollow- and solid-core doors is the type of usage they will receive. Hollow-core doors are more lightweight but could easily crack or break if they are constantly used forcibly or slammed by children at play.

However, solid-core doors are sturdier than their hollow counterparts and can withstand a higher level of abuse. If you have active children in your home, they would be the better option.

When you are choosing new glass doors for the interior rooms of your home, consider the noise level your household generates as well as the type of usage the doors will be subjected to daily. If you want an insulating sound barrier that can withstand multiple openings and closing, a solid-core door would best serve your needs. However, if the doors are mostly for decoration and will only be used lightly, a hollow-core door will suffice. For help with making a decision, contact a local retailer so they can help you make a choice based on your household's needs.

Reach out to a company that offers interior glass doors to learn more.
