5 Signs That You Need A Window Repair

Posted on: 21 June 2022

Not all problems with your home's windows mean it's time for replacements. Some issues can be repaired fairly easily if they are caught soon enough.  

1. Outside Drafts

If you feel a cold draft when sitting near a window, then there is likely a failure in the weather stripping. One way to check for drafts is to pass a lit candle slowly around the frame on a breezy day. If the flame flickers or goes out, then air is making its way in. Fortunately, drafts are often one of the easier problems to repair. Replacing the weather stripping or adding insulation around the frame will usually fix it.

2. Condensation Buildup

Double- and triple-pane windows consist of multiple panes that are sealed with an insulating gas layer between them. If the seal fails, then the gas escapes, and moisture makes its way in. This issue causes condensation between the panes. The windows must be replaced if you want to maintain the full insulation benefits, but there is a repair option. A window service can drill a small hole in one pane to dry out the moisture. They will then install a small vent in the hole so moisture doesn't collect between the panes again.

3. Cracks or Chips

Cracked or chipped glass must be replaced, but you may not need to replace the entire window and frame. A repair technician can remove the damaged pane from the frame and replace it with a new one, using a process called glazing. This option is typically reserved for single-pane windows.

4. Peeling Caulk

Caulk is what goes around the interior or exterior of the window that holds the window firmly in place and prevents air or moisture leaks. If you notice that the caulk is cracking or peeling, then it is time to have it fixed. Your repair service will remove the old caulk and replace it with new caulk, which is a simple process that costs much less than a full window replacement.

5. Moisture Leaks

Water on the window sill or water coming in from around the sides of the window is a major issue. You may even notice problems with wood rot on wooden sills or peeling paint on the frame. Leaks must be located and sealed up promptly, or major water damage can be done to your home.

Contact a window repair service, such as Sliding Door and Window Repair Service Inc, if you notice any of these problems with the windows in your home. 
